  Over 100 languages…

We offer language services in over 100 languages. We are your full-service language school and translation agency!

  Translations / Interpretations / Language Training / CPE / Other Services  
  Other Services  
  Access provides a variety of other services for the language community:
  Video narrations

Access offers professional voiceovers in many languages. We can also translate the text of your company's video and ensure that it will fit in the time allotted

Cross-cultural training

More than simply a survival course, cross-cultural training equips expatriates with the full range of cultural expertise that is necessary for them to excel in new countries. The courses cover aspects of everyday living as well as vital behavioral techniques for business and personal interactions.

  Language proficiency testing

Access will test your company's job candidates for proficiency in the target language.
Tests measure written and oral proficiency.
  Diversity training

Access's cultural experts will hold seminars for your employees, training them in issues of cultural sensitivity and equipping them with the know-how to succeed in the diverse environment of today's business world.
  Spanish-English mediation services

Access's certified mediators will assist with business and personal mediations.
  Proofreading and editing

We lend an extra hand to busy professionals to ensure accurate and top-quality output.